How to do Non-HD (High Defination) Makeup

How to Non-HD (High Defination) Makeup
How to Non-HD (High Defination) Makeup

Non-HD makeup is a more traditional approach to makeup application that can still create a beautiful and polished look. Unlike HD makeup, non-HD makeup does not need to withstand the scrutiny of high-definition cameras and can be achieved with basic makeup products.

Here are the steps you need to follow to create a non-HD makeup look:

  1. Cleanse and moisturize your skin: Before applying any makeup, it's important to cleanse and moisturize your skin to ensure that your makeup goes on smoothly and stays in place throughout the day.

  2. Apply a primer: Primer is an essential step in non-HD makeup as it helps to create a smooth base for your makeup and can also help to minimize the appearance of pores and fine lines.

  3. Apply foundation: Choose a foundation that matches your skin tone and apply it evenly to your face, blending it in with a makeup sponge or brush.

  4. Conceal any blemishes: Use a concealer to cover any blemishes or dark circles under your eyes. Apply the concealer in a triangle shape under your eyes and blend it in using a brush or your fingers.

  5. Set your foundation: To make sure your foundation stays in place, use a translucent powder to set it. Apply the powder to your T-zone, under your eyes, and any other areas that tend to get oily.

  6. Apply blush: Choose a blush shade that complements your skin tone and apply it to the apples of your cheeks, blending it upwards towards your temples.

  7. Define your eyebrows: Use an eyebrow pencil or powder to fill in any sparse areas and create a natural-looking shape.

  8. Apply eye makeup: Use eyeshadow to create depth and dimension, eyeliner to define your eyes, and mascara to add volume to your lashes.

  9. Apply lipstick or lip gloss: Choose a lipstick or lip gloss shade that complements your skin tone and apply it evenly to your lips.

  10. Finish with a setting spray: To ensure that your makeup stays in place all day, finish with a setting spray that will help to lock in your makeup.

In conclusion, non-HD makeup is a traditional approach to makeup application that can still create a beautiful and polished look. By following these steps, you can achieve a flawless non-HD makeup look that will make you feel confident and beautiful.



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